Pelvic Health

Pelvic Health

This page is designed to offer you valuable links and resources to help you better understand and manage your condition. This page covers pelvic health issues related to pregnancy as well as mens pelvic health and other topics. In the sections below, you’ll find a variety of downloadable leaflets and links to trusted websites, all carefully reviewed and approved by our clinical staff.

Pelvic Health Icon. Click for the Pelvic Health information pages
Pelvic Health Icon. Click for the Pelvic Health information pages

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy:

We work closely with consultants, specialist nurses and midwives to assess and treat patients in the following categories:

  • Obstetrics and Ante-natal
  • Uro-Gynaecology
  • Colo-rectal
  • Men’s Health

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Referral Form

Please note that this service is provided by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, not East Sussex MSK. To follow up on your pelvic health self-referral you will need to contact the appropriate organisation. 

Are you pregnant with any musculoskeletal pain? See below for pelvic health self-referral:

If you are pregnant with any musculoskeletal pain or if you have any other pelvic health concerns (pregnant or not) such as incontinence or prolapse, you can self refer via the Local Maternity Neonatal Services website:

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Referral Form

Please note that this service is provided by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, not East Sussex MSK. To follow up on your pelvic health self-referral you will need to contact the appropriate organisation. 

Pelvic Girdle Pain

Obstetrics & Ante-natal videos

Downloadable Leaflets: